Media Appearances
“Amerika ist wieder im Aufbruch!,“ BILD, 29 April 2021
“Hop oder Top? 100 Tage Joe Biden,” BILD, 28 April 2021
“Bei Freispruch wird Amerika explodieren,” BILD, 10 April 2021
“In den USA dürfen auch Tierärzte impfen,” BILD, 12 March 2021
“So gefahrlich werden Trump letzte Tage,” BILD, 8 January 2021
2020: Television
“The assassination of Qassem Soleimani,” CBC News, 3 January
print and Web
“Iránci sa údajne úmyselne vyhli zabitiu amerických vojakov. Trump sľubuje nové sankcie,” Dennik N (Slovakia), 6 January
“Wen die Rache Irans jetzt treffen könnte,” BILD, 5 January
“Qassem Soleimani’s Complex Legacy in Iraq,” Frontline (PBS), 5 January
“Das ist nicht der Beginn eines Dritten Weltkriegs,“ BILD, 4 January
“Droht uns jetzt eine neue Öl-Krise?” BILD, 4 January
2019: Television
“U.N. General Assembly Preview,” Channel News Asia, 8 October
“U.S. officials concerned Iran seized missing oil tanker,” Stateside, i24 News, 16 July
“Europe won’t sanction Iran for violating nuclear deal,” Clearcut, with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 2 July
“Palestinian FM: U.S. administration can’t be trusted,” Crossroads, i24 News, 10 June
“Report: Saudis buying missile tech from China,” Crossroads, i24 News, 6 June
“U.S. seizes North Korean ship for violating sanctions,” Stateside, i24 News, 9 May
“Director of Human Rights Watch in Israel to be deported,” Crossroads, i24 News, 17 April
“Remains of missing soldier returned to Israel,” Stateside, i24 News, 3 April
“U.S.: Iran trying to restart nuclear program,” Crossroads, i24 News, 22 March
“Warmbier family rebukes Trump's defense of Kim Jong Un,” Stateside with David Shuster, i24 News, 1 March
“Tensions escalating between India and Pakistan,” Crossroads with David Shuster and Tal Heinrich, i24 News, 27 February
“Possible peace deal between U.S. and Taliban,” Take:30 with Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 28 January
“WH Shifts Timeline on Syria Withdrawal / Israel Pushes for Golan Recognition,” Take:30 with Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 28 January
Radio and Podcasts
“Global Ethics Weekly: The End of the U.S.-Taliban Talks?” Carnegie Ethics Studio, 18 September
“Global Ethics Weekly: The Mueller Report & U.S. Foreign Policy, with Jonathan Cristol,” Carnegie Ethics Studio, 24 April
“Global Ethics Weekly: Implications of the INF Withdrawal, with Jonathan Cristol,” Carnegie Ethics Studio, 28 February
“Global Ethics Weekly: The U.S.-Taliban Negotiations, with Jonathan Cristol,” Carnegie Ethics Studio, 21 February
“Dr. Jonathan Cristol is back to discuss history being sanitized by factions.” Men in the Middle, 15 January
Print and Web
“Die zerrissenen Staaten von Amerika!,” BILD, 20 December
“Wird das Weltall das Schlachtfeld der Zukunft?,” BILD, 20 November
“Trumps Twitter-Angriff gegen Zeugin,” BILD, 16 November
“Republikaner fürchten Polit-Waterloo 2020,” BILD, 1 November
“Erdogan hat Trump über den Tisch gezogen!“ BILD, 10 October
“Die neue Gefahr durch Billig-Kriegsdrohnen,” BILD, 18 September
“Iran steckt hinter dem Angriff auf Ölfelder,” BILD 18 September
“Wie groß ist die Gefahr eines Krieges im Nahen Osten?” BILD, 18 September
“UAE-Iran meetings indicate possible re-assessment of Emirates’ foreign policy,” Middle East Monitor, 4 September
“Qatar’s Multibillion-Dollar Plan to Win Back Friends in the U.S.,” The Daily Beast, 8 July
“Two years on, Qatar has beaten the Saudi-led blockade,” The New Arab, 5 June
“Kriegsfall würde eine Terrorwelle auslösen,” BILD, 23 May
“Are tensions between US, Gulf allies and Iran coming to a head?” Al Jazeera, 15 May
“Tố Mỹ 'chỉ muốn lật đổ chế độ', Triều Tiên thể hiện nỗi bất an với Trump,” VN Express, 14 May
“US exempts foreign entities working with Iran's Revolutionary Guard from 'terrorist' designation,” CNBC, 23 April
“Chuyên gia: Kim sẽ 'thúc đẩy kết quả thực chất' với Trump hôm nay,” VN Express (Vietnam), 28 February
“Was Trump beim Nordkorea-Gipfel erreichen will,” BILD, 21 February
“It’s clearer than ever that the US’s North Korea policy is in total chaos,”, 21 February
“US faces uphill battle to push European allies to adopt harsher line on Iran,” Middle East Eye, 11 February
“Európa je zraniteľnejšia a jadrový konflikt znovu v hre. USA aj Rusko odstúpili od raketovej dohody,” Dennik N (Slovakia), 3 February
“Trump in turmoil raises stakes on North Korea summit,” United Press International, 24 January
”Chinesen wollen Kanadier hinrichten lassen!” BILD, 15 January
2018: Television
“Saudi Arabia confirms Khashoggi death,” Stateside with David Shuster, i24 News, 19 October
“Saudis: Khashoggi died in ‘fight',’” Take:30 with Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 19 October
“Jonathan Cristol on the talking points of the 2018 United Nations General Assembly,” The World Today, CGTN America, 29 September
“World leaders laugh during Donald Trump’s United Nations address,” Fios1 News Now, Fios1 News Long Island, 25 September
“Possible Second North Korean Summit,” Take:30 with Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 24 September (Paywalled)
“UNGA expecting high-level debates on Syria crisis, Iran nuclear deal,” The World Today, CGTN America, 18 September
"Syrians wave white flags on Israel border,"Crossroads with David Shuster and Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 17 July (Paywalled)
"South Africa prepares to join UN for peace and security," The Full View, South African Broadcasting Corporation, 7 June
"Understanding DPRK sanctions: How they started and where they stand now," The World Today, CGTN America, 7 June
"Trump casts doubt on June summit with Kim," Crossroads with David Shuster and Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 22 May
"Three hostages released from North Korea," Crossroads with David Shuster and Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 9 May
"Iran: Netanyahu's 'lies' aimed at influencing Trump," Al Jazeera English, 30 April
"Netanyahu vows to overcome enemies' darkness," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 18 April
"Q&A | U.S. air strikes on Syria: What happened?," CBC News with Steven D'Souza, 14 April
"President weighs response to chem attack," Clearcut with Michelle Makori (guest host: Shayna Estulin), i24 News, 9 April
"20 Palestinians killed by IDF since Friday," Clearcut with Michelle Makori (guest host: Tal Heinrich), i24 News, 5 April
"How will Kim Jong Un's surprise China visit impact upcoming talks," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 1 April
"Confirmed: Kim Jong Un met Chinese president," Perspectives with Tracy Alexander, i24 News, 28 March
"과거 정부 관계자·미 전문가 평가는…'안팎'서 본 김영철," JTBC News, JTBC, 26 February
"Tillerson: U.S.-Turkey ties at 'crisis point,'" The Rundown with Nurit Ben and Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 16 February
"U.S. & Turkey on opposite sides over Syrian Kurds," Perspectives with Tracy Alexander, i24 News, 13 February
"ISIS targets Hamas leader in latest feud," Stateside with David Shuster, i24 News, 8 February
"UN to adopt new strategies to protect peacekeepers," Africa Live, CGTN Africa, 31 January
"China trying to end decades-old stalemate between Israel, Palestine," The World Today, CGTN America, 25 January
"Pence's Israel trip: helping or hurting?" Stateside with David Shuster, i24 News, 22 January
"North & South Korea hold peace talks at border," The Rundown with Nurit Ben and Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 9 January
Radio and Podcasts
“Dr. Jonathan Cristol is back to talk about two years of change in foreign policy for the U.S.” Men in the Middle,” 27 November
“Global Ethics Weekly,” Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, 8 November
"Interview: President Trump/Macron Summit This Week," Sonoma County's Morning News with Pat Kerrigan, 1350 KSRO, 23 April
"One night of bombing may not stop Assad using chemical weapons, expert warns," The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti (guest host Laura Lynch), CBC Radio One, 16 April
Print and web
“Klein-Krieg um Huawei-Chefin,” Bild, 21 December
“Huawei-Managerin kommt gegen Kaution frei,” Bild, 13 December
“Stürzen die Saudis ihren Horror-Scheich?” Bild, 20 November
“SNS útočí na Lajčáka pre pakt o migrácii. Premiér nevraví, či svojho ministra podporí,” Dennik N. 5 November.
“Five things to watch at this Middle East-heavy United Nations General Assembly,” The New Arab, 24 September.
“Trump's scandals: An unprecedented president,” Al Jazeera English, 8 September.
"How South Koreans Are Reckoning With a Changing American Military Presence," New York Times, 9 August.
"Große Gefahr, dass sich Trump über den Tisch ziehen lässt," Bild, 16 July (Paywalled)
"After US embassy makes controversial move to Jerusalem, more countries follow its lead," CNBC, 17 May
"Israel hatte keine andere Wahl!“ Bild, 15 May
"Апокалипса сутра," NIN (Serbia), 19 April
"What mission has the US accomplished in Syria?," Al Jazeera English, 15 April
"Impact of strikes on Syria 'unlikely to differ from 2017,'" Al Jazeera English, 14 April
"Analysts back Trump stand on Syria, but fear escalation," Middle East Eye, 14 April
"Trump kommt da nicht mehr raus," Bild, 13 April
"Trumps Syrien-Tweets alarmieren das Pentagon," Bild, 12 April
"Rex Tillerson sacking signals tougher line on Tehran," Arab News, 14 March
"Netanyahu, Trump and AIPAC: What to expect," Middle East Eye, 3 March
"Israeli PM’s ‘make or break’ Washington visit," Arab News, 2 March
"Palestinian leader urges world powers to replace US in peace talks," Arab News, 20 February
"Palestinian leader’s bid for UN spotlight ‘may backfire,’" Arab News, 19 February
"Hawkish US stance signals conflict with Moon gov't," Korea Times, 31 January
2017: Television
"Blockade on Yemen eases, aid filtering in," Crossroads with David Shuster and Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 27 November
"Saudi Prince vows to end Islamist terror," The Rundown with Nurit Ben and Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 27 November
"Syrian opposition leader resigns ahead of UN peace talks," Al Jazeera English, 21 November
"Trump winding down Asia trip in Philippines," Crossroads with David Shuster and Shayna Estulin, i24 News, 13 November
"208 Saudis detained in anti-corruption sweep," The Rundown with Nurit Ben and Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 9 November
"Shake-up in Saudi Arabia," Al Jazeera English, 6 November
"100 years since Balfour Declaration," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 2 November
"Catalonia officially declares independence," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 27 October
"Rex Tillerson's trip to the Gulf," Al Jazeera English, 22 October
"Hamas-Fatah reach reconciliation deal," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 12 October
"US to withdraw from UNESCO over 'anti-Israel bias,'" The World Today, CGTN America, 12 October
"Trump's latest tweets about North Korea," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 7 October
"Catalonia to Declare Independence on Monday," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 5 October
"Trump stoking division in America," Reuters Television, 25 September
"US drone strikes against ISIS in Libya," Al Jazeera English, 24 September
“World leaders anxious to hear Trump as UN assembly kicks off,” Channel News Asia, 19 September
"South Korea: North Korea is preparing new ICBM launch," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 5 September
"North Korean nuclear test," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 2 September
"Guterres wraps up his Middle East trip," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 30 August
"A shift in Saudi policy on Yemen war," Debrief with Nurit Ben, i24 News, 15 August
"China to try and solve Israel-Palestinian conflict," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 1 August (starts at 3:35)
"North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile test," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 30 July
"Hamas, Fatah party reportedly discussing reconciliation deal," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 1 August
"Israeli diplomats in Jordan evacuated to Israel," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 24 July
"Protests against new Temple Mount security rules," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 17 July
"Tillerson back in Kuwait seeking Gulf blockade breakthrough," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 12 July
"Qatar accused by boycott bloc of funding terror," Debrief with Nurit Ben, i24 News, 12 July
"Rex Tillerson's trip to the Persian Gulf," Al Jazeera English, 10 July
"G20 meeting," Reuters Television, 6 July
"The news on Qatar and the GCC," Al Jazeera English, 5 July
"Qatar shows no signs of backing down amid Gulf rift," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 3 July
"Israel: Hezbollah border outposts 'a dangerous provocation,'" Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 23 June
"Trump Administration peace process efforts," The Rundown with Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 23 June
"Cuba and Trump's foreign policy," Reuters Television, 19 June
"Hamas makes threats over Gaza power reduction," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 13 June
"The GCC Crisis," Al Jazeera English, 12 June
"The GCC Crisis," Al Jazeera English, 10 June
"The latest on Qatar and Saudi Arabia," The Rundown with Calev Ben-David, i24 News, 9 June
"When it comes to ironing out a Mideast peace deal, the devil is in the details," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 8 June
"Qatar diplomatic crisis," Al Jazeera English, 6 June
"Trump announces US withdrawal from Paris climate deal," Channel News Asia, 2 June
"Cristol: 'We are a long way away from hope for peace in the Middle East,'" Special Report: Trump in the Middle East, i24 News, 23 May
"Israel welcomes President Trump's push for peace," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 22 May
"McMaster's denial of report Trump shared classified info w Russian officials," Clearcut with Michelle Makori, i24 News, 15 May
"North Korea launches ballistic missile" Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 13 May
"Saudi seen as key player for MidEast peace," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 5 May
"North Korea: all options on the table," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 16 April
"North Korea's attempted missile launch fails," Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN, 15 April
"US withdraws monetary support from United Nations Population Fund," The World Today, CGTN America, 4 April
"London terror attack outside Parliament," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 22 March
"Middle East expert Jonathan Cristol discusses ISIS," Stateside with David Shuster, 20 February
"Jonathan Cristol responds to breaking news about the National Security Advisor," Crossroads with David Shuster and Michelle Makori, i24 News, 16 February
"Arab unrest reduced to proxy wars," Asia Today, CGTN, 15 February
"New U.S. administration's policy towards Iran," The Axis, Orient TV, 10 February
"New leadership at the U.N.," CCTV, 1 January
PODCAST and radio
“Security Cooperation in East Asia,” World Policy On Air, 3 November
"Jonathan Cristol: Interview," Men in the Middle, 19 September
"Episode 22: Jonathan Cristol," On the Issues, with Alon Ben Meir, 22 August
"Donald Trump's UNGA speech," KNX 1070 Newsradio (Los Angeles), 19 September
"The biggest stories in foreign policy news: Qatar and North Korea," The Spare Minute, 7 July
"Discussion with Coda Story's Ilan Greenberg," The Spare Minute, 14 June
"Discussion with UC-Santa Barbara's Bridget Coggins," The Spare Minute, 10 April
"Discussion with Andrew Gregory of 'The Gregory Brothers,'" The Spare Minute, 4 April
Print and Web
"Lähis-Ida ekspert: muude murede kõrval ei huvita araabia maid eriti palestiinlaste probleemid," EeastiPaevaleht, 11 December
"US lawmaker bashes Qatar as anti-Hamas bill advances," Arab News, 16 November
“US air strikes kill 17 ISIL fighters in Libya,” Al Jazeera English, 24 September
"All eyes on Donald Trump: What to look for in UN debut,” Al Jazeera English, 18 September
"Šéf Valného zhromaždenia? Myslíte toho Portugalčana? Lajčákovi sa začal veľký deň v OSN," Dennik N (Slovakia), 19 September
"Trump’s moves in Syria are tactical, not strategic," Middle East Eye, 23 June
“Tillerson in Turkey: Five big issues to watch,” Middle East Eye, 30 March
“Anti-IS talks may boost beleaguered Trump team,” Middle East Eye, 22 March
“The seven biggest threats to Donald Trump’s presidency,” Al Jazeera English, 19 January
“Barack Obama - So long, and thanks for all the speeches,” Al Jazeera English, 9 January
“Obama’s legacy, between caution achievement and failure,” Middle East Eye, 9 January
“Trump’s first 100 days: ‘Most uncertain transition since World War II,” Middle East Eye, 5 January
2016: Television
"UN Security Council approves Portugal’s Guterres for secretary-general," CCTV, 7 October
"Security Council back’s Portugal’s Guterres as UN chief," Channel News Asia, 5 October
"Crown Prince Nayef speaks to UNGA," Voice of America in Persian, 21 September
"UN chief Ban addresses his last General Assembly," Channel News Asia, 20 September
"United Nations Security Council reform issues," Al Jazeera English, 20 September
"US Presidential nominees search for winning VP choice," CGTN America, 11 July
"Trump, Clinton set to announce their running mate," Channel News Asia, 9 July
"Trump, Clinton heavy favourites going in to Super Tuesday," Channel News Asia, 1 March
"Iran honours nuclear promises, sanctions lifted," The National, CBC-Television, 16 January
Podcast and Radio
"Why Rex Tillerson isn't the worst choice for Secretary of State but still close," The Spare Minute, 15 December
Tell Me Something I Don’t Know, 20 November
"The 'Unthinkable,'" World Policy On Air, Ep. 93, 11 November
"How can we trust Trump to take the process of being president seriously?" The Spare Minute, 29 September
"The Sky is Falling," World Policy On Air, Ep. 68, 20 May
"National Security and the Presidential Election," All Sides with Ann Fisher, 89.7 NPR News WOSU
"The Death of Nimr al-Nimr," World Policy On Air, Ep. 50, 15 January
Print and Web
“Fragile cease-fire leaves civilians waiting to leave Aleppo,” Diario de Noticias (Portugal), 15 December
“New UN chief says Syria peace is top concern,” Middle East Eye, 12 December
“Indonesia not affected by US’ inward-looking policy,” Antara News (Indonesia), 19 November
"Trump Terpilih, Banyak Negara Diduga akan Buat Senjata Nuklir,” CNN Indonesia, 11 November
"Donald Trump Berpotensi Ratakan Suriah dengan Tanah,” CNN Indonesia, 11 November
"Lajcak lost in the fight for the post of head of the UN, which chose Guterres of Portugal," Dennik N. (Slovakia), 5 October
"Obama pulls the plug on 'phony diplomatic process' in Syria," Middle East Eye, 3 October
"Lajčák má šancu uspieť v OSN, najviac mu to môže prekaziť Fico," Dennik N (Slovakia), 26 September
"Trump vs Clinton race heats up with two months to go," Al Jazeera English, 6 September
"Netanyahu cost Israel billions in US arms deal, rival Lapid says," Middle East Eye, 10 August
"Trumphoz kepest egy Winston Churchill," NÉPSZABADSÁG, 5 August
"Mideast cash-for-coverage media wars in Washington," Middle East Eye, 21 June
"Trump or Clinton: The Middle East’s rock and hard place," Middle East Eye, 5 May
"Osama bin Laden casts long shadow, 5 years on," Middle East Eye, 30 April
"Donald Trump shifts towards Israel at annual AIPAC meeting," Middle East Eye, 22 March
"Trump and Clinton headline pro-Israel lobby conference," Al Jazeera English, 19 March
"Pro-Israel lobby in uproar over 'neutral' Trump," Middle East Eye, 18 March
2015: Television
"Russian airstrikes hit parts of Syria with no ISIS fighters, U.S. says," The National, CBC Television, 30 September
"Discussion of Wikileaks and France," Al Jazeera America, 24 June
Podcast and Radio
"Russia and France join forces to fight ISIS, Syrian civilians pay the price," The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti, 20 November
"Don't Reform the Security Council," World Policy On Air, Ep. 37, 16 October
"Don't Reform the Security Council," Morning Wave, Busan e-FM 90.5, 1 October
"UN Security Council faces international pressure to reform," The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti, 28 September
Print and Web
"Obama and Hollande’s flowery language masks weak strategy," Middle East Eye, 25 November
"Netanyahu reaffirms Palestinian statehood but does he mean it?" Middle East Eye, 9 November
"Bridges to build at Netanyahu-Obama summit," Al Jazeera English, 9 November
"France plots next move as Russia extends hold in Syria," France 24, 6 October
"Russia gets back in the game," Al-Monitor, 5 October
"Syria's war and veto-wielding UN powerplays," Al Jazeera English, 30 September
"Obama: Bad governments cannot meet UN goals," Al Jazeera English, 28 September
"Syria diplomacy overshadows UN anti-poverty goals," Middle East Eye, 27 September
"Questions over US forces in Syria highlight fears of Russia-US showdown," Middle East Eye, 16 September
"US: Opening the door to thousands of Syrians," Al Jazeera English, 13 September
"Will UK policy shift on Assad’s future solve Syria crisis?"Middle East Eye, 10 September
"One year since IS took Mosul, how fares the fight?" Middle East Eye, 8 June
"Middle East wrangles set to dominate NYC nuclear meeting," Middle East Eye, 27 April